Gator James Band

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Upcoming Shows

More shows to be announced soon

Check Shows tab for show details closer to show date

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Check out these cool sites

Saturday January 11th The Ganny, Port Hope, ON.

Friday January 31st Shoreline Casino, Belleville ON.

Saturday December 27th The Ganny, Port Hope, ON.

Saturday May 10th The Ganny, Port Hope, ON.

Saturday August 16th The Ganny, Port Hope, ON.

Saturday January 4th Rumour Mill Bar & Grill, Oshawa,ON

Friday February 7th Rumour Mill Bar & Grill, Oshawa, ON.

Friday March 21st Rumour Mill Bar & Grill, Oshawa, ON.

Friday May 2nd Rumour Mill Bar & Grill, Oshawa, ON.

Friday June 20th Rumour Mill Bar & Grill,Oshawa, ON.

Saturday December 27th The Ganny, Port Hope , ON.

Please feel free to check this 

band out as well

Click on Logo

The Ganny

30 Ontario Street, 

Port Hope,ON.


April 25th, 2020

2pm - 5pm - Matinee

10pm - 2am - Night Show


Go to Shows Tab for more details

Upcoming Shows

The Hunt Pub

Downstairs at Hogans Restaurant

12998 Keele Street. 

King City,ON.


May 1st, 2020

9:30pm - 1:30am


Don't forget to join

our Facebook Group Page and stay in touch and in the loop

Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.


The Gator James Band is a Classic Rock Band like no other.

Formed by Gator James in August of 2007 for the purpose of doing

something different than the norm , the show has grown in popularity

right from it's inception and continues to wow audiences everywhere.

The Gator James Band  showcased at the CNE that August and was 

asked to return for 2 consecutive years for week long engagements due to 

their popularity with the audiences they performed in front of.

The bands very diverse material has something for everyone.

Come to a show or better yet book one and see what the buzz is all about.


BOOK A SHOW TODAY! (905) 767-1177

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